Twin Flame sex drives

Wed 07 Feb 2018 22:38

By: AJ

My Boyfriend and I have been to the same reiki healer who told us we are twin flames. So my issue is can twin flames have different sex drives. Mine is high and his is low which causes issues. Ive read about twin flame sex and havent really experienced what was said so Im worried were not actually twin flames. ...AJ

Thu 17 May 2018 14:43

By: Twin Flames Truth

When my twin and I met, we had a similar experience. After we were able to be together in the same place and live together, I wanted him ALL the time. He was unsure if he could keep up with me. It was VERY frustrating for me. So I told the Universe, my higher self, my angels "Go to him. Tell him that he is incredibly powerful and able to do this. Show him his power!" Because the sexual acts for twin flames are VERY important. It brings so much magic into this world. Within a couple of weeks, he was like me! He wanted it all the time. We got to the point where within a week, we were literally averaging 5 times per day. I am not even exaggerating. Now, that has slowed down some, because we have started our outreach to other twin flames, etc. But we are still insanely hot for each other, and it only gets stronger. We have now been married 4 years. So, it seems this is all possible to manifest. I truly feel that if you put the intention out there into the Universe, and if it is truly what is best for all parties involved, the Universe will meet you and amplify your intention. I have seen it so many times within our journey so far. If you would like any more guidance on twin flames, my twin and I have many different ways that we help others through their journey, just out of the goodness of our hearts, no business-type of thing. Our channel on YouTube is Living Gnosis - Twin Flames Truth. ...Twin Flames Truth




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