Youve written youre interested in astrology

Sat 24 Jan 2015 07:25

By: Kate

Hey there! You've written you're interested in astrology. What are your zodiac signs that you are also compatible, aside of being twin flames? Is your Ascendant the same for both? Cheers & good luck to you! :) ...Kate

Thu 17 Oct 2013 23:27

By: Mark and Claire xx

Hi Kate, Mark is a Saggie and I am a Virgo and our Ascendant is the same for both of us actually in Libra. Is that a typical similarity in twins that you are aware of? We'd love to hear from you. ...Mark and Claire xx

Sun 20 Oct 2013 08:44

By: Kate

Thanks for responding! Yes I'm with the newly discovered twin flame. I'm Pisces (born near Aries) while he's born on Libra/Scorpio cusp. And yes, we're both with the Ascendant in Taurus. The sum of our Bday dates is 11. 11:11 patterns and other synchronistic events keep coming up like crazy during the most active cycles, it's like not living own life but being thrown into some other reality where you can't control anything but let it do things for you. Interesting hey? :) I didn't know about TF before but similarities have been so stunning and falling in love so immediate with all that heat on the chest, telepathy, 'feeling' each other's presence on a distance during the day etc. that it was worth of doing a little research and learning about TFs. You can email me privately too, I'd be happy to stay in touch! Cheers! ...Kate




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