
Date Posted By Title Views Replies
1 2 3 >
23/01/2015 monica Twinship is really not so black and white 2267 11
22/01/2015 Mia My TF hates me 4170 5
24/01/2015 Agi I think I found my twinflame 2615 5
24/01/2015 Wanda Prins Enjoyed your "How We Met" story 2005 5
24/01/2015 Olivia Your views on what it takes for twins to be together 2445 4
24/01/2015 Mimi What was I supposed to have learned? 2028 3
24/01/2015 Loni I dont know where to begin 2595 3
22/01/2015 LeLe I have been recently reunited with my Twin 1696 3
22/01/2015 zana Im pretty sure i found my twin flame 1939 3
22/01/2015 Louise S Searching for some kind of guidance 2013 3
03/06/2016 Rather not say but " a female runner" What to do now? 1962 2
28/04/2016 Cherry Blossom Whirlwind Twin Flame Meeting, Ending Too Soon 2045 2
24/01/2015 Kate Youve written youre interested in astrology 2013 2
01/07/2016 souladventura Tell Me Please...what is happening? 1846 1
07/02/2018 AJ Twin Flame sex drives 1403 1
28/01/2018 Zaira How and Why? 1390 1
18/02/2015 Elle Uncanny similarities. Could it be? 4728 1
30/01/2015 RJ Could it be? 3052 1
24/01/2015 Art Twin Flame Relationship has been Consummated 2510 1
24/01/2015 In Despair If we are twin flames and met once, wont we meet again? 2343 1
24/01/2015 Cristina Does Twin Soul love unite, make you whole? 1969 1
24/01/2015 mond Can it be that he really is my twin flame 1995 1
23/01/2015 Jasmyne Thank you so much for this website 1943 1
23/01/2015 pharrell Shaymar Twin flames feel the exact same emotions! 3446 1
23/01/2015 Rachel Ive met my tf 2050 1